An Octoroon Reviews
"the female house servants - pricelessly played by Maechi Aharanwa, Pascale Armand and Danielle Davenport - describe life as 19th-century chattel in the manner of 21st-century African-American girlfriends gossiping. The implicit contrast is hilarious, and harrowing." -Ben Brantley, New York Times, Feb. 26, 2015
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"While the male performers dominate the stage for the first fifteen minutes, the show’s female performers are its most dynamic once they arrive. As house and field slaves, Maechi Aharanwa, Pascale Armand, and Danielle Davenport have some of the broadest comic dialogue, which they fully embrace as they propel the show forward with their quick tongues. As the show’s most subjugated characters, they are also the most practical and this shines through in their performances."-Eric J. Grimm, Theater Pizzazz!, Feb. 27, 2015
"And where in Boucicault’s original, the slave characters are pure plot functions, operating almost more as scenery than people, here Dido and Minnie (the excellent Pascale Armand and Maechi Aharanwa) form the emotional center of the play: pawns to the plot, still, but that’s tragedy rather than necessity."-Loren Noveck,, Mar. 1, 2015